
Our Old Timers
Gone But Not Forgotten


Ch Tripphill's MacIntosh Ritarra

(Ch Ritarra's Maximillian v Ch Verwustinghaus Nikon)

BISS Ch Tripphill's Bernadette, OFA

(Ch Windwalker's Quebec v Kaimacha Samoa ROM)

Ch Windwalker's Holly OFA H & E

(Ch Windwalker's Jolly Roger, OFA ROM v Windwalkers Tanzanite)

BIS/Multiple GROUP I Ch Kaimacha Keystone Caicos

(Ch Lairolyn's Fantasy Island v SHF Glory Be)

Ch Verwustunghaus Nikon

(Ch Kallanders Incan Warrior v Verwustinghaus Nikon)

Ch Abraham of Tripphill

(Sierra's Hutch of Merivern v Millard Crossing Heidi)

Am Ch Kaimachas Uncola Tripphill

Bobbie Sue aka Uncola
(Kaimacha Keystone Bookie v Pepsi of Spirit Maria ROM)
Mother of Tripphill's That's Increbelle TC - aka Belle


(AM Ch Schokrest Frequent Flyer OFA v AM Ch Windwalker-Kaimacha Merry OFA)
OFA GS-49710G36N
here for his progeny
here for his pedigree

Kaimacha The Racketeer TC, OFA Hips

(BIS Sel Ch. Kaimacha Jamacia v.McCoy CD OFA Hips & Elbows  v 
Ch. Brookwood's Chad of Lockleen OFA Hips)


(Am Ch Triphill MacIntosh Ritarrra v Am Ch Kaimacha Holly v Windwalker OFA)

Tripphill's U Wanna Gogh
aka Annie

( 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v Sobeke's Nala of Carico)

Ch Tripphill's High Finance, OFA, TC 
aka Banker

(Kaimacha The Racketeer, OFA HT v Ch Kaimacha Holly v Windwalker, OFA)

Ch Tripphill's That's Incredibelle TC OFA
aka Belle

Ch Belle
( Kaimacha's the Racketeer, TC v Ch Kaimacha Uncola Tripphill )

2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA

(GV Ch Hickory's Hill's Bull Durham OFA ROM v Silverhill's Sumthin Special OFA ROM)
BISS X13 5 GRP 1
Winner's Bitch GSDC National 2000
Select GSDC National 2000
#1 German Shepherd (Breed Points) 2001
Select GSDC National 2002
3X BIS International KC

here to see her progeny

 AOE 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E RN TC HIC
First 2011 Recipient of the AOE

(Ch Cross Timbers Van Gogh, HIC v Cross Timbers Jennifer Clihu)
Owners: Mary Tripp, Nancy Nellis, Erin Nellis
BOS Puppy 2001 GSDCA National
BOS Futurity 2002 SW Regional
Both majors at 16 months
Open Dog 2002 National and Winner's Dog
Select Champion 2004 National
Sel Ch Cargogh
SELECT EXCELLENT 4 2004 National REVIEW by Judge Joan Fox:
"This dog has matured so impressively. Deep dark, curves in all the right places. He is clean on both ends and moves with assurance. Oval bone and nice feet as all my winenrs did. The handler, Greg Eschette and the owners are to be commended for the wonderful condition this dog was presented in"

 CH Tripphill's Isis Vices Goghn Cross Timbers, RFB
Reserve Futurity Bitch

Photo by Sara Nugent
( 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v 2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA)

Tripphill's Sweet Right Here
aka Eleanor

( 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v Tripphill's Snickers of Lyngene)

aka S
Spinner 2004 GSDCA National Veterans Bitch
Three time BIS, 2XGroup I

(Kaimacha The Racketeer OFA v Am Ch Kaimacha Holly v Windwalker OFA)

CH Cross Timber's Good As Goghld
aka Winx

( Ch Cross Timbers Vangogh v Cross Timbers Jenifer Clihu)

Breeder Nancy and Erin Nellis
Owners Mary Tripp, Nancy and Erin Nellis

Tripphill's Hot Tamale To Gogh
DOB - 4/26/04

 (2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA v 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E)

E-Z Gogh's Rodney Dangerfield
E-Z Goghs Rodney Dangerfield
(2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v EZ Go's Sable)
OWNERS: Scott and Barb Balyeat and Greg Eschette
Long Beach, MS

Tripphill's Tasty Tostado To Gogh
aka Toddy
( 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v 2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA)

Tyler V Gafiegerhof

Tripphill's Goghn On The Road Again aka Willie

2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v CH Scharo/Ark Hot To Trot of Tripphill OFA H & E

E-Z Go's Curly Sue Tripphill
3rd Bred By 2004 National
(2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E v EZ Go's Hilda Sobeth)

Tripphill's Goghn Up In Flames
(AOE 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E RN TC HIC v CH Schneiderhof's Illegal Motion)

Tripphill's Resolution 

2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E TC HIC X Reinehaus-Melana Front Page

Tripphill's Goghn Up Town
(AOE 2X Sel Ex Am Ch, Int Ch Cross Timbers Cargogh Clihu OFA H & E RN TC HIC v CH Schneiderhof's Illegal Motion)

 Tripphill's Wicked Way v Scharo/Ark

(GV Ch Marhaven's And The Beat Goes On v 2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA)

Tripphill's Wicked Torrid Women HIC TC
Tories First Point

(GV Ch Marhaven's And The Beat Goes On v 2XSel Ex Am Ch, Can Ch, BIS Intl Ch Pilgrim Kellie Jolly T'hill, TC, OFA)

CH Scharo/Ark Hot To Trot of Tripphill OFA H & E
Trotter gets a Major Reserve 2008
(Kenlyn's Aries V HiCliff v Am/Can Ch Caralon Olympus Fire QED)

 CH Schneiderhof's Illegal Motion aka Boo

(Ch Schneiderhof's Law and Order MRW, OFA v Utopia's Carbon Copy)

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